

Friday, November 1, 2013

Black Friday the Online Way: How to Avoid the Doorbuster Hustle

Lines stretching for city blocks, bony elbows pressing you into racks of clearance shelves, and squeezing
your post-Thanksgiving body into new clothes — this is the dreaded Black Friday. Or at least it is in-person. But why struggle through this early-morning hell when you can get the same deals from the comfort of your bed, snug in your jammies, tapping away at your tablet? The Black Friday battle-path is no longer a necessity. Find out how to get the best deals online.

1.Do your Homework. 

 Before you start wandering the web Friday morning, find out what you want and who’s having the best deals. Most sites will start advertising their Black Friday deals weeks in advance. Decide what you want and who’s offering the best deals. Amazon and Best Buy already have their deals advertised. Fashion sites usually wait till week of.

 2. Get on the List. 

 Nobody likes spam, but any veteran online shopper will tell you that the email lists deals are nothing to scoff at. And who doesn’t want a coupon code on top of a Black Friday deal? No one, that’s who. Sign up for the email lists of your favorite sites Thanksgiving week.

 TIP: Create a separate shopping email account so your regular account doesn’t drown in spam.

 3. Make a Budget.

 Don’t fall into the doorbuster trap — overspending until you dry up your bank account. Make a budget and stick to it. If you’re buying holiday presents, budget per person. If you go under budget, treat yourself!

4. Start Early.

 Online Black Friday deals often start at midnight. So instead of turning in early so you can make it to store opening, stay up a little later.


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